Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Good times

I just had a great weekend with some very special friends and loved ones. One of them was a very special lady that I have failed to talk about in this blog but she deserves a place here since she has been in my life since 2nd grade.

Friendship and love and kindness can't begin to explain how much she means to me especially with all the shit we have been through together. She has always stood by my side in the good times and the bad, and she never ever asked for anything in return, she was just always there. You know the old saying that the squeaky wheel gets the oil, well she has always been the quite wheel. Never asking for the bright spot light, just happy being who she is, ALWAYS standing by my side, even when I acted like as asshole.  It's sometimes easy to overlook these special friends in your life, but they are some of the most important people that you will ever know.  That is what she is, more than a friend, she is part of me. I have spent so much time talking about the changes going on, I have neglected the one thing that has been a constant in my life for more years then I want to try to remember (she can attest to this).  She is very laid back and easy to get along with and she just takes every day one day at a time.  She doesn't turn her nose up at anyone (not that I have ever seen before) and she always listens to all my shit and gives good advice on top of everything else.

Well the weekend was a blast.  I got to see some old friends and make a couple of new ones.  I even got to hang out with my nephew at a private 20's speakeasy club hidden in down town Savannah.  I also got to experience the longest parade in the history of the world...4 fucking hours!!!  It was worth it though since I got to hang out with Missy all weekend long.

Thanks Missy for being there always being there for me and putting up with all my crap for so many years.  And especially keeping all my little dirty secrets...lol

Love ya