I am at some huge house some place and I am waiting on a ride to some where. I am waiting on some special kind of ride, not just a car to pick me up. As I am waiting a horse pulling a stage coach with one rider on it goes by. Then a huge stage coach come to the front of the house, its bright red and is pulled by two horses. There is a old 1930's car inside the front half of the coach and they are putting people in the back. When it takes off it sounds like a truck leaving so it must have some kind of motor to help the horses pull the coach. I then see another single stage coach go by, and then another bright red one with a car. I am still waiting on my ride. I don't remember where I am supposed to be going. I am thinking I am with someone at this point but I don't remember. As I am standing there a helicopter comes sliding down the road next to a car. Its like the helicopter is trying to push the car off the road and make it stop, but it is on the ground and they are sliding to a stop. I ran over to see what is going on, and a black man gets out of the car and opens the door to the helicopter and there are three black women sitting inside holding a book. One lady kisses the man and tells him she thought it was her time because she had just read his book (the man wrote the book the ladies were holding) and she read a passage out of it like a verse from the bible. I know that bible verse has meaning but I can't remember what it was. It has something to do with your time expiring and being taken up. I am just standing there watching the entire time.
It is now dark and I am still at this huge house, and it seems more like a frat house in college (later it becomes my old college) and I am looking out the window at young college age boys and girls running around and making out on the front lawn. This part is very hard to explain because it jumps around so much, but I will try. This part had a friend of mine from high school (one of my high school crushes, but he was straight also) but he never talked to me. I was the one trying to talk to him and warn him someone was going to beat him up because he was making out with some other guys girl. This other guy had a baseball bat and was hitting dummies and I said that is better then hitting the real thing, now you get your aggression's out, he looked at me and told me "it is just practice for the real thing" Stuart (that is my friends name) walks past me with a bat in his hand and I try to tell him about the other guy, but he ignores me and keeps on walking back to the house, so I follow him (I was outside the house this whole time, now I am trying to get back into it). I have to climb back inside the house and I am in some kind of cafeteria area and I have to climb over some stuff to get back in. Other guys are very easily climbing up and over the metal cabinets and shelves but I am struggling to get my feet in the right spot and pull my self up. I watch 3 or 4 guys just jump up and over while I am still struggling. I finally stop and and I am watching this line of guys behind the cafeteria food line and two other guys come in, one is the one with the bat and the other has a bowl of food of some kind. The one with the food starts to poor it over the head of one of the guys on the food line like some kind of initiation and then on another one and then another one. The guy with the bat is standing next to him. Someone pours something on main guy with the bowl (I don't remember who) and he said he didn't care because it was his last day at this school...he was done, he was graduated. This is when I started to try to leave.
I am trying to leave to get back to my house and ever turn I take it seems to be blocked. I turn and climb across the cafateria food line and get into the dinning area and there is a glass wall blocking me so I have to go a different direction. I end up taking a hall way that leads to the pool area were they are having a swim meet and I remember my best friend Russ from college is supposed to be on the team (he never really was in college) but I can't find him. I finally get out of building and I am walking to wards the lake and forest that seperates the school from my house but I pass this campus security guard as I am leaving the building and he starts to follow me. He grabs me and starts asking about the bad check I wrote to the school for $150,000. I pull away and tell him he is crazy and I didn't write a check like that, and he grabs me again and keeps on and want let go. I grab his throat and try to choak him but he just laughs at me. I don't have the strength to hurt him. I finally get enough pressure on his wind pipe and he starts to gasp for air and lets me go. I start to run but he gets up and comes after me again yelling about the check. He grabs me again and I scream "rape" as loud as I can and it turns into this super high pitch sound. Kind of like what I heard Tuesday at the healing. It was like a siren going off and he then backed off and people turned around to look at me and see what what happening and then a cop came running over to help. I took off running agian, just trying to get home....
I got to the entrance to the bridge that crosses over the lake to take me to my house and it was gone. As I am standing there I realize that it is the last day of school (finals day) and they have taking down the bridge because they are closing down for the summer. I then start to think if today was the last day of school then I have not gone to any of my final exam classes and so I have flunked all my classes this quarter. I turn to run through the woods to get home and there is a bunch of police cars blocking the road back to my house and they tell me I have to walk all the way around the forest and I get pissed off. I turn around start to walk the other way and I start thinking about what I am going to tell my mother about failing all my classes. I can't even remember the last time I went to class, but I do remember passing some kind of PE class but nothing else. I start to follow these other guys that are jumping the baricades and start following a path that some how leads me to top of a building and I am walking around trying to figure out how to get down so I a can continue to try to get home. As I am doing this, I start to think how can I still be in college at the age of 42. That how have I been in school for 24 years and still not passed yet, there is no way I can still be attending school, what is this some kind of life long job to just go to school. I start trying to remember where all the years went and figure out if I am really 42 or did I forget something and really still only 24. At the same time I am trying to figure out how I am going to tell my mom I didn't pass and how I am probably going to have to pay for the next quarter and trying to figure out where I am going to get the money to do it. The whole time I am alone. I open a door and get inside a tube that is winding downward counter clock wise and I start to slide down the tube trying to get to the bottom so I can get out of the building and continue my way home...all I want is to get home....then I woke up.
Well that is it, I have been working with Jack to help me analyze these dreams. I have a few others that I will post soon. I know this is something that is private but also something that maybe someone will read and understand it more then I do and drop me a line on what they are getting out of it. I don't know if you can really understand it with out understanding me and the issues that are going on in my life right now. I know Jack knows more about these issues so he has a better understanding of where some of this is coming from. But the final analysis will have to come from with in myself, and I will have to be the one to sit down and understand what the universe is trying to tell me and act upon this...
Oh well, if anyone has any feed back, don't be afraid to drop me a line.