Friday, January 27, 2012

Red Thread of Fate

I really don't know how to start this post or were I am going to be going with it, but for some reason I just think it is very important.  Over the past few months I have started listening to myself and paying more attention to the things that happen around me.  This subject is something that has started appearing in my life over and over again at a higher degree of frequency for the last few weeks.  I don't know if I can honestly say that this just started appearing in my life, its more like I just started paying attention to it and noticing its appearance.  Seeing that something keeps coming up with this degree of frequency has got to be some kind of sign for me to pay attention to it.

What is the Red Thread of Fate?

An Ancient Chinese belief that states...
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances.  The thread my stretch or tangle but it will never break"

Why has this been coming up over and over again in my life for the past few weeks...I don't really know, but I do know that it is coming up much more frequently then ever before.  I also know that I can't ignore it and I have to pay attention to it.  

I first started thinking about this a few months ago when I when I first met my friend Jack (read my first post) and about what brought him and me together.  I was thinking about what brought me to call Jack on that fateful day instead of the person I usually call.  What happened on that day that kept me going back to see him over and over again and what finally connected between us that brought the love we feel for each other as friends to light. This connection that we made on that first day has kept us together and has totally changed my life in more ways then I can imagine right now.  This interaction with Jack has brought me to a different level of conconses and has opened my eyes to things I never knew exsisted or had ever heard of.  This level of conconsis has allowed me to see things in different ways then I have seen them before and brought new ideas and new ways of preceving things into my life.  

This thread that I have tired with Jack has also brought me another connection with one of his friends.  This connection in turn brought up the discussion of the topic of how we are all connected together in some way.  Last week the three of us sat around and discussed how we are all connected through out time and how ever little decision we make each day effects what happens to us today and also how these decisions effect us and our families and families family for generations to come. How the decisions that our great grand parents made has brought us all to this point in time and what things had to happen to bring the three of us together sitting in Jack's living room having this discussion.  Even thought I have thought about how our decisions effect us on a day to day level, I have never thought about it on such a universal scale.  

The last discussion that I had with my dad before he passed a way was about this very same topic.  We talked about how each day we make a million different decisions and since he travels in his business, every time the decides to go left instead of going right effects his life.  We never thought about how much the decisions he made also effected everyone else's life around him.  Where the decision to turn left down a street to go home caused him to drive by a house with a child playing in the yard and that child to run out in front of his truck and him hitting that child and killing him, or turning right to go down a different street and get home with nothing happening.  What effect would that have on all the children that child might have or have had depending on what decision my dad made on that day.  By turning right at the stop sign, he might has saves 1000's of future lives.

About a week later this thread of thought came up a negative way.  On Monday night Tony, a manager that works in one of my other units, left work around 11:00 pm and was heading home when a horse jumped the fence of the pasture where it was kept and went through the passenger side window of his car.  This caused Tony to be thrown out of his car and has put him in a coma in the hospital on life support. Can you imagine the odds of a horse jumping the fence of a pasture and hitting a car going 60 miles per hour, and the even great odds that the horse will hit the car exactly at the right moment to allow it go throw the passenger side window of a moving car. There are a million little things that would have to happen to make this split second event take place.  How many pieces in the universe would have to be pulled together over all the past times to allow a horse to jump a fence and land in a passenger side window of a car going 60 mph on dark road at 11 pm at night?  Astronomical!!!

Then tonight, three day later, I am watching the pilot episode of a new show called "Touch".  It is about a little boy that is autistic and doesn't talk and has never talked.  He uses numbers to communicate and is in touch with the universe and the effect it has on everyone's life.  Basically he can see how the  RED THREAD OF FATE is tied to each and every one of us.  All these thoughts of the string of fate and how we are effected by them seem to be speeding up.  It is making me a bit uneasy about what the universe is trying to tell me or to show me. This greater degree of frequency has caused me wonder if something is coming my way that I need to be looking out for.  Is the ties that I have with Jack and his friend opened my eyes so much to allow me to see what is coming next? Is the universe telling me "here it comes, get ready"?  Has the string brought me to them to allow me to open my eyes so when something does happen I will be aware of it and be ready for it?  I do know that I have a greater awareness for what is happening around me now and I am being more aware of what I am doing and what I am saying each day.

The Red String of Fate... I know my string is tied to Jack, but who has a string tied to me?